
How to Setup a Vehicle Import

Verify your global import settings

Go to Dashboard->Vehicles->Settings

Click on the Import Inventory Tab

Make Sure you’ve activated your license so you’ll receive updates

Walk through the ‘Global Settings’ section

Global Image Options

Check the box next to the image sizes you DO NOT want to be created for each photo imported.

For maximum import speed you should check all sizes you do not plan to use when displaying vehicles.

Image Importing Options

The WPSD Import Inventory PlugIn can use 2 different methods for importing photos.

If you have issues importing photos then try toggling this option

If you continue to have issues then contact your web host and ensure either file_get_content() or curl() are available.

Main Images

If you check this option then WPSuperDealer will no longer use the featured image as it’s main photo, but will instead use the first image link saved.

This option is useful if you ARE NOT importing images into your WordPress install and are instead only importing the links to the images located on the third party server.

Manage Imports

This section provides quick access to creating or managing your imports.

You can also create and manage imports by visiting Dashboard->Vehicles->Imports

Import Utilities

NOTE: These utilities are very powerful and may cause issues if not used correctly. Please use them with caution.

Download File

Use this utility to download a file to your uploads folder.

This is useful if your feed provider requests that you retrieve the file directly from their server.

If possible try to avoid this. Most feed providers are more than happy to FTP or sFTP directly into your server to provide your feed file directly. Only use this option if your provider does not have the ability to directly send you the file.

Unzip File

Use this utility to schedule unzipping a file

This is useful if your feed provider sends you one or more feed files all zipped up

Bulk Delete Vehicles

Danger Will Robinson! – this option kills vehicle inventory in batches and they CAN NOT be recovered once removed this way.

If you enter a small number, like 10, then check the box and click the remove button it will delete 10 vehicles, wait a few seconds and then delete 10 more. It will keep doing that until you either refresh the page or all vehicles have been removed.

Setting up your first import


Give your import a descriptive name – it has been our experience that using a name that indicates who the feed provider is can help clarify things if you change feed providers in the future.

Select File

Enter the path on your server where the file you want to import is located. If you’re scheduling your imports then it’s important to make sure this file is updated each night.

 Alternatively you can choose to manually upload a file to import.

You can also enter a URL that points to a file, but this method can be very slow and is not recommended if it can be avoided.

File Options

The first option lets you select the character your file is delimited by. In most cases this will be a comma, but we’ve included several other options if needed.

If you do not know how your file is delimited then please ask your feed provider.

The second option lets you select what character is used to delimit sub items in your feed. For example, you might have a column for images and that list of images is separated by a pipe | character.

If you do not know how your sub items are delimited then please ask your feed provider.

The next option lets you tell the import if the first line of the file contains column headers and should be skipped.

If you do not know if you file has a header row then please ask your feed provider.

Next you will see a button that says “Edit Import Map”

After clicking it a new section will slide open that allows you to map you file to your vehicle fields

If the first column says “Your file could not be located” then please try saving your import. If the message remains then please verify your file is located at the path you entered in the first section.

You need to match up the fields in the second column to the fields from your file, which can be seen in the first column.

The third column contains all of the available fields not being imported.

Drag fields from the third column to the second column and match them to the row from the first column that has the data you want imported.

If you do not need a field in the second column then drag it over to the third column.

Advanced field options

There may be cases where you want to change certain data as it’s being imported.

Above the third column you will see a button that says “Add Field filters”

Clicking one of these links will open a form for that field where you can manipulate the information as it is imported

Let’s consider the body style field. You could enter ‘Truck’ in the first field and ‘Pickup’ in the second and when the import runs it will import ‘Pickup’ into the body style field for any vehicle that has ‘Truck’ in the feed.

After editing your map you might want to save the map itself. This can make it easier to apply the same map to another file or to create a new import from scratch

Custom Vehicle Location

The next section allows you to manually force a location name onto all vehicles in an import. You may wish to do this if your import doesn’t contain location information or to force vehicles from different feeds to all flow into the same location.

Import Filter

This section lets you filter vehicles by one of the common fields available.

If populated then only vehicles that match the filter will be imported

Photo Options

Do you want to import all photos?

If this is left unchecked then all gallery photos will be linked from their current location instead of imported to your site.

Do not import main photos/featured images

If this is checked ALL photos will be linked from their current location instead of imported to your site.

Your main photos/featured images will not be imported.

This option will not work if you have selected to import all photos.

Remove photos/featured images from vehicles not in the current import

If this is checked then all gallery photos will be removed from vehicles that were added previously by this import and not in the current file.

If you have a large inventory then this option may timeout if you do not have enough system resources available.

Update Options

This section controls what happens when a vehicle already exists

Do you want to update all fields when existing records are found?

Updating all fields can slow down your import and potentially cause timeouts.

This option will update prices, description, all option fields and the main photo.

Gallery images will only update if you are linking to them rather than importing them.

Mark vehicles not on this list as sold.

If this is checked then any vehicle not in this list will be marked sold.

Unpublish vehicles not in this import.

If this is checked then any vehicle not in this list will be unpublished.

Run your import in batches of ???

If you leave this field blank or set it to 0 then it will attempt to import all lines in your file.

If you enter a number, for example 100, then when you schedule the import it will split up into batches of 100.

Email Report

If populated then a simple report will be sent to this address when the import completes

Schedule Import

This section allows you to schedule a time each day to run the import

We suggest picking a time 1-2 hours after your feed file should be delivered – it has been our experience that some feed providers can be delayed on occasion, so it is best to give them plenty of time before running your import.

The last section allows you to manually import your file or a portion of it.

This option can be used to import thousands of vehicles, even on a low powered server

The key is to set your batch number low and then leave your browser open while it slowly imports your vehicles.

Now you know how to setup your imports.

Key things to keep in mind:

  1. The larger the inventory, the more powerful your server needs to be
  2. Setup WP-Cron to run your scheduled tasks
  3. If you have questions about your feed file then ask your feed provider directly
  4. We offer custom services! If you need help then hop over to our contact page and let us know. We’ll review your request and send you an estimate or request further information so we can fully understand your project.


Advanced Utilities

  1. “Download File”
    1. This utility lets you grab a data file from a third party provider via ftp or sFTP
    2. Settings
      1. Server – enter the sFTP or FTP address – do not enter ftp:// or sftp:// at the beginning.
      2. Username – your ftp username
      3. Password – your ftp password
      4. Remote File – the name of the file on the remote server you wish to grab
        1. If the file name changes, based on date, then you can try using the following in the filename and they will be replaced by their current values when looking for the filename
          1. YY – becomes year exp: 23
          2. MM – becomes month exp: 10
          3. DD – becomes day exp: 31
          4. Example my-file-MM-DD-20YY.csv, this would grab a file named my-file-10-31-2023.csv on Oct 31st, 2023
      5. Local File
        1. The complete file path to where you want to save the file, including the filename you wish to save it with
      6. Email Address
        1. The email address you want alerted when the script runs
        2. NOTE: you must have a website that can send emails for this to work