Drop your vehicle listings into a page on another site by adding a small piece of javascript to it.
You’ll need to be able to setup your site with a CORs policy to approve what sites are allowed to insert your inventory.
If you need assistance setting up your CORs policy then reach out to your web host and they should be able to set that up for you.
Drop into the page where you wish the inventory to populate
<div id=”vehicle_inventory”></div>
2. Add the following somewhere after the HTML you inserted in step #1
<script id=”inventory_script” src=”https://wpsuperdemo.local/wp-content/plugins/wpsd-embed-listings/js/wpsd-embed-listings.min.js”></script>
<script> var wpsdSettings = { target_element: "vehicle_inventory", filter: { vehicles_per_page: 10, }, }; wpsdLoadInventory( wpsdSettings ); </script>
Replace https://wpsuperdemo.local with the domain where you installed this PlugIn.
The filter parameter in the above js can contain any of the parameters available to the [wpsd_inventory] shortcode.
Here’s a few of the parameters: year, make, model, condition, body_style, transmission, location, stock, vehicle_tag, criteria (keyword search), min_price, max_price, mileage (searches vehicles with less than the mileage entered) & show_sold
If you have the “WPSuperDealer Template Builder” installed you can also use template_id as a filter.
3. Add domain where you added the above code to the “Approved Domains” settings box right above these instructions.
Dashboard->Vehicles->Settings -: go to the “Embed Inventory” tab and add them there.